VALENTINE: TO BE OR NOT TO BE - Lifestyletower | Nigeria Lifestyle Blog, Tech Tips, Traveling Tips, Business Tips

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For a couple of weeks now, there has been a buzz about February 14, Not Valentine, but February 14th. This day of the year which has traditionally become lovers’ day, (much to the distaste of the originators-the Catholics), is much sought after as a time for lavish show of love and appreciation for spouses and lovers.

Well, this year’s Valentine has been a thing of concern for Valentine fanatics lovers as the day February 14, holds a lot of other major distractions and there are fears that men would play casper.

First the day coincides with the Catholic Ash Wednesday which happens to be the first day of a fasting period; the first day of the Lent period. Now, the Ash Wednesday is observed by many Western Christians, including Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, and some Baptists.

It’s just so unfortunately funny that the Ash Wednesday which can fall as early as on February 4 or as late as on March 10, this year, fell on a ‘’lovers’ day’’.
Now, as if that is not enough, European Football governing body, UEFA, decided also to fix a bout of football clashes for the same date as the lovers’ day, and worse still, the lovers’ time. [weeping now].

Ladies with partners who are football lovers would be familiar-or not- with the UEFA Champions League. Well the football showpiece has fixtures for February 14th and the big clashes are irresistible; Real Madrid vs PSG, Porto vs Liverpool, and these matches have their kick-off time at 8:45pm. Valentine’s Day, NO! Valentine’s Evening, Such Evil!!!!

If you don’t wanna find yourself playing CeeC of BBNaija with your partner/boyfriend/spouse begging you for missing a date or for ignoring your calls, then you just might have a grip on your Football loving boyfriend after all, IF YOU ARE NOT SELFISH.
C’mon, think of it, these men have been there-or not-for several valentines, taken you out, and given you times of your lives, it’s time to show them some love too-in the language they understand-and here’s how.

Invite him over to actually watch the game, YES. And it’s gonna be fun if you can have roses beautifully littered around, a powerfully distracting outfit, a nice scent to the atmosphere, dim or no lights, have some pizza and his favorite drink while you sit or cuddle with him watching the game. Trust me with this strategy; you just might be playing your own ‘one-on-one’ football before half-time or the return match before the return match. And if his team loses, [LOL] well, rely on your powerfully distracting outfit as you console him and make sure you give him a soft and comfy place to rest his head. [Wink] Thank me later.

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